We thought we knew what we were doing...
I built the roost, we have a laying box, there's water and food and wood shavings, etc. I really thought we had it going on, but day after day, I continue to learn more and more about how to take care of these chickens. I give them our scraps, which must be what is attracting the occasional predator to mess with the girls. Obviously, if a predator wants the chickens, it will get one; however, even with the holes in the chicken wire (big enough for a raccoon to get through), neither of the girls have been harmed. I'm shocked that they have remained safe, but I'm grateful at the same time. I simply boarded up yet another side of the chicken coop to keep them safe for now. I intend to board up the last wall as well. I'm thinking we will enclose the back corner completely (once this heat comes down a little bit) and use the rest of the space as their run. I usually let them out to roam around the yard twice per day, and it's usually an hour each time. I work the garden, the boys play outside and the dog is tied up keeping watch. I love our little set up; it's really nice in the evenings after dinner to have family time outdoors.
As for the garden, I have been so very pleased with the potatoes and just how easy they have been. I have only planted them one other time, and I only had a handful to harvest at the end of the season. This is mostly because I planted them in a container and was scared they wouldn't turn out right. This year, I went all in and purchased a 5lb bag of seed potatoes from Simply Seed, and I am so happy that I did. Half of the garden bed is full of blooms, which means that potatoes are growing under the ground. I'm eager to see the amount of potatoes I pull at the end of the season. I am definitely dedicating a bed to potatoes next year and another bed for tomatoes. Everything else will either be in containers or in a new bed... Yes, I'm adding a third bed next year! I'm going to try a new method: a mound bed. I'll be writing more about this later; so stay tuned. For now, I hope you enjoy our little recap video in the meantime.